Hiya everyone reading this!
So we all have those projects that we have been thinking about, working on, for what seems like ages and always wonder if it'll ever get done! I'm here with a message to everyone with one of those projects, to those who have poured the endless nights into it, the eye crusted hours, the carpal tunneled wrists into making it, to finally get the weight off your back. Yes, I'm saying release it, get it out there as soon as possible, put the finishing touches publish it. I know what you're thinking, what's going on in that creative mind of yours, the mind that wants to make your prized possesion, your life's work, into the greatest work you'll ever make. You're saying it's not ready, it needs just a few more things, it needs a better me to make it the what I dream it to be. But listen to me when I say the dream IS getting it out there. What is a game without another person being able to playit? What is painting if no one else can see it? What is music if no one else can hear it? You have made the project for others to enjoy, so let them enjoy it so they may enjoy other projects that you can create! However, they may not be able to enjoy it if you have the weight of that project on your back. It's the whale that you want to catch, like ol' Ahab! But that whale could bring us down with it if we let it weigh us down for too long! This is a message of caution because I have had a whale project weigh me down for 5 years! But I'm finally letting it off my back and the feeling is wonderful! So I urge those who are afraid of letting go fo that whale, I plead for all to let it go! Let it into the sea of creativity! Even if it isn't your best work, your best work is never the one that you've just released, it's the one that always comes next!
Keep that creativity boat sailing!