So considering the fact that our first game actually did something good, I decided to write my first post on my page! So hi fellow followers! Thank you again for playing Launch! It was a struggle to make, but it was a struggle of joys and smiles as we made it! However, a few of you were concerned with some lack of content and that made me think of a questions I'd like to ask!
Would adding more story help the game? As a writer, I've always been taught to show don't tell and give the reader just enough so the reader fill in the blanks with their imagination! This helps the reader make their interpertation of the story their own and personal! For instance, in Launch, the threat was not confirmed of what exactly it is, but all that's needed is that it's going to destroy the earth and only 20 missiles can stop it! I felt as if no more information is really needed since it wouldn't add or decrease from those two important facts! I would love to hear your thoughts!
if the story is great and can hook anyone who reads it, I would say add it! i love staying with a character who's awesome so i can feel awesome playing him lol if that adds any kind of insight into the subject. i wish you luck maverick :>